Major political rant incoming!,5744,11813903%5E7583,00.html The above are both interesting articles linked off which describe how the US is basically blamed for the massive tsunami that hit Asia. We've been called selfish, stingy, etc., for not sending assloads of cash (the majority of which will probably vanish, just like when we sent the $2bil to Haiti under Clinton and half of it went kerpoof) to the countries stuck by the disaster. Wait a minute, I remember pre-Iraq War everyone was bitching about the US thinking we're the world police and how our country should just mind our own business. Now, everyone wants our cash? Oh, the irony!
Pardon me for going out on a limb here, but who came to our aid when we had jets flown into New York City skyscrapers and the Pentagon? Who lifted a finger when we had hurricane after hurricane smashing Florida to pieces? These UN members who have the gall to label us as "stingy" are more than cordially invited to go eat a dick, along with all these European assholes who feel they can criticize the hell out of us.
I can't possibly be the only person who is so sick about every European/Canadian telling us Americans how stupid we are for voting Bush in for another four years, how horrible our country is, how much better they are, etc. You don't live here, you don't vote in our elections, you don't have a say in how we conduct our business; shut your mouths. What's worse is some of the people in this country are guilty of the same, though at least they live here and are welcome to voice their opinions.
The New York Times, the most liberal anti-conservative-biased paper in the nation hasn't even slowed down their efforts to bash President Bush in light of recent events. Funny, I thought the media's main goal was to provide objective coverage of the news? No doubt some retard will bounce in here with an insightful comment about "LOLORZ FOXNEWZ IS TEH BIASED 2!!!1" and think he's made some kind of amazing observation. In advance; no shit Mr. Holmes, I'm aware and I'm not giving them much praise either, but they're worlds more objective than CNN, the NY Times, USA Today, ABC, NBC, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, etc.
Anyhoogle, back to my original rant. Why is it our responsibility to help other nations? We're criticized up the yin-yang for being involved in other people's business, then we're criticized for not being involved enough. We've already spread more money in financial aid around the world than EVERY OTHER COUNTRY COMBINED. Apparently this isn't enough, since you critics seem to demand more. I guess nobody has thought about where this money will come from, since our taxes are already high as all hell and we're running a massive deficit.
So, since I have ADD, a headache, and a cold, I don't feel like ending this rant in a normal way complete with thesis yadda yadda. Basically, you people need to stop bashing this country for retarded crap and mind your own business.