Nov 30, 2006 00:40
Hey journal. So, things are nice. I still wish I could have a job, I feel like bum without money of my own, and making Sierra pay for anything (other than sweet Cons) makes me feel like a big, fat bag of D. Finally finished that bastard of a paper so things should go a little smoother from now on, granted I stay on top of my homework. I kind of feel like there aren't enough hours in the day for me to spend with the people that I like. I hate how much sleep humans, mostly teenagers, need. 8 hours?!?! are you kidding?! that's more that a quarter of the day! Fuck that shit. But I digress. History channel pwns cable. I learned how to outmaneuver a Mig, and how to make a subtle Chardonnay. See, television isn't just for rotting your brain. Well, I have to go work out, I went back to fattie habits over the break and I have to break them again. Oh, I had an epic battle with SmarterChild today, proving that SmarterChild is Tivo's bitch and has poor grammar. Stupid machine.