Apr 27, 2005 16:10
Tiday was really fun! I got to school early, and I was talking to Eunice over by the black box. Josh was coming from the entrance to the school there, and he was walkin away while look back at me, so she says ;) In first, Jairo said, "I got my penis stcuk in my zipper today. It hurts like hell." And me, Tajhna and Toni were saying, "We didn't need to know that." Then he's like, "Ahh...It's hurts so much!" And Then he asked Josh, "Have you ever gotten yous stuck in a zipper before?" And he said, "Not...that I know of. Oh wait, once when I was like, 5 or 7 or something." And I started laughing. And Jairo said, "But you probably didn't know what it was. Like, you didn't even know what a penis is. It was probably like, that small." And he like, made a 1 inch spance between his fingers. It was so funny. umm...in second, we checked our homework, I got -4. In la, I turned in my project :3 Everyone thought it was really good. In science, we toched lives, and Josh put his finger all inside it o_o;; I was like, "Eww, you're touching it?" And he gave it to Ben. Then~ Mrs. Brooker took out a frog, and it was dripping every where. And she was explaing how male frogs grip on to female frogs to fertalize, that's why they have a big thumb or something, and everyone started laughing. It was teh way she said it :P In dance, we did stretcehs, and kick-ball-changes, with and without pirouettes. In art, I printed :D I was so happy :3 I did 2, they turned out really good. They smudged a little though ^^;;; All I have to say, tomorrow, Josh isn't going to school. Nor is Vanessa. Or Ashley. Or Ignacio. Or Jonathan. Or Eleisha. Most of the school actually. And I'll be stuck with Ben XDDD I'ma sleep now :3