
Jan 28, 2008 11:43

I can't believe classes are starting tomorrow.  Granted, I had about a week more vacation time than every other college, but still.  Yesterday I attended orientaton.  It was also my first time driving to Stony Brook on my own.  I really hate the LIE but it wasn't too bad of a ride.  It's 30 miles but basically highway the whole way there, and my car gets very good highway mileage.  It's going to cost me more in gas this semester for sure but on the up side it's still less than the ~$4000 it would have been for room and board.  I'm still mad I didn't get the room but remaining debt-free for a little longer is always positive.  I'm trying to avoid going out into the real world with massive student loan debts as much as possible.

I guess I don't hate it as much as I thought.  It's more convenient and more comfortable than I expected.  My schedule is meh but it's just this semester.  I have to pull through somehow.  This definitely won't be easy.

Oh, there was some poor soul at orientation named Dong.  I lol'd.  We also have the Wang Center on campus.  At least I'll always have that to laugh at.
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