Jun 14, 2010 14:44
Try teaching a 7-year-old how to play Pokemon Diamond and you'd understand. >_< He doesn't read the dialogue in-game because "it's boring" and he doesn't understand what leveling up is. ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGH.
Also my cousin was watching me play Persona 4 the other day, and OMFG I couldn't explain it in a way that he would understand what a Persona is, what are fusions, and what the crap is a social link (he watched me play a dungeon, fuse some better Personas, and go through a few regular school days).
And BALLS BALLS BALLS - family members stress me out. Have I mentioned that?
My writing's starting to suffer. Haven't drabbled, haven't typed anything in general. Sucks.
But hey, at least I'm drawing again!