Writing Challenge: Left For Dead 2 and Red Vs. Blue

May 16, 2010 19:00

Doing two ten-fic writing challenges, one for Left For Dead 2 (10_hurt_comfort ) and the other RvB (10_whores ). 100 word minimum, no maximum.  All themed challenges. 10_whores is all about pairing one person with ten other people in ten different fics; for 10_hurt_comfort , you write ten fics for whatever pairing you claimed .

Here's the table for the ten hurt/comfort fics for Nick/Ellis.  (Is it sad that I JUST NOW realized that L4D2 is the perfect fandom for H/C?  I didn't even consider it a valid fan-genre until just recently, anyway.)

FightCollapse/faintingHeadache/MigraineSprained Ankle ThunderstormMissingConstant ReminderWrong PathOpen WoundLook out!0/10

And here's the list of themes/possible pairings for the 10_whores, featuring Pvt. Leonard Church, just so I can diversify my writing and write pairings I've either don't care for or merely have not written - such as Church/Tex (*gasp* Het!).

01. air conditioner - Grif/Church, implied Grif/Simmons
02. sake - Church/Sarge
03. ballroom dancing - Church/Doc
04. a blunt object - Tucker/Church
05. scissors - Caboose/Church
06. gun -  Washington/Church
07. grace - Church/Tex or Church/Donut depending on the community it's posted for
08. eight -  Church/Sister with Tucker/Sister on the side or something completely different for rvb_slash 
09. the truth - Wyoming/Church
10. hydrogen - Church/Simmons

I've posted them here so I can edit it as I finish fics and keep myself informed of what needs to be done.


nick/ellis, rvb, writing, hurt/comfort, writing challenge, left for dead 2, red vs blue, l4d2

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