Magic Ranting

May 05, 2009 18:11

Ranting about Magic the Gathering and Photoshop...

I'll have my "Jace Beleren - Shirtless Planeswalker" card soon! :)

I've been editing the actual card elements on my Photoshop thingy at school, and the art is of my creation. Already sketched out, Shirtless Jace is ready to be scanned into the computer and line-arted. Once I've gotten all the lines done and all pretty I'll fill in the colors and details using the Airbrush, Magnetic Lasso, and layers along with tweaking the color channels and color balance, and of course putting Jace's tatoos on a seperate layer to give it the actual "body-clinging" technique.

I have in mind exactly how I'm going to do it and how it'll look after it's all done. <3

So why the hell do I want a Shirtless Jace Beleren card? Yeah, it's not like I'm going to be able to actual use it in a game except between friends -- I'm actually making the card so that it's completely useless in game effects. xD He'll be out in the feild and all, and I'll even screw up my Draw phase just to seriously run him main deck.

He's just something nice to look at, a sort of aesthetic revenge.


I'm tired of all the fan-service-y cards for the guys, what with Breast-Art Angels [as in, people like the way Chippy draws breasts] (Akroma), half-naked fairies (Thornwind Faeries), and merfolk pondering their nipples (seriously,  Ponder).

There are more cards but I just felt like mentioning those specifically.

Okay, people tell me it's because Magic is a "guy's game," as in, it was meant for guys -- guys played it first, yadda yadda yadda. Yeah, well, dude, get with the times!  Dames are playing too!  Ha ha!

Jace Beleren, one of the easily recongnizable Planeswalkers and I'd assume an awesome card to run in any blue deck and Control, has a sort of "man-prettiness" to him.  His personality is also pretty cool in the new Magic novel I'm reading, and his powers are super RAPE awesome.

So yeah, while you may be running an entire play set of Jace in your Control deck, I'm running Shirtless Jace for the lulz in my Bant deck simply because he's there and I can do it.  Got a problem with that?

Obviously, this is probably a waste of my time and I'm a creepy fan girl, and whatever the fuck else you wanna say.  My response to that?  So what, at least I'm not getting a dick buzz from playing with scantily clad picture cards.


Fuck you, I don't care if you object to Jace Beleren being a Shirtless Planeswalker card--



shirtless, photoshop, art, jace beleren, planeswalker, magic the gathering, mtg

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