"The Project"

Jun 15, 2009 03:09

This is a WoW related entry. Feel free to skip it.

ok, now that you're still reading:
While I was gone, patch 3.1 dropped, back in April.

Among the many documented changes, there were, of course, undocumented changes.

  • Insane in the Membrane is a new reputation-based Feat of Strength achievement, awarding the new title .
As soon as learned of this (last Wednesday) I wanted it. Much like how I wanted the motorcycle as soon as I learned motorcycles were being added in WOTLK.

So, reputation. Doesn't sound like TOO terrible a grind. What could it possibly be?

Insane in the Membrane     0 Achievement points
Reward: Title Reward:
Raise your reputation with the areas listed below.

Honored with Bloodsail Buccaneers - OK, well, I don't go to Goblin cities that much anymore.
Exalted with Booty Bay - Goddamnit!
Exalted with Everlook - See Booty Bay
Exalted with Gadgetzan - See Booty Bay
Exalted with Ratchet - See Booty Bay.
Exalted with Shen'dralar - Who? Oh, those elves in Dire Maul that you can raise rep with by doing those Libram quests. 500 rep per libram. Better start hoarding Pristine Black Diamonds.
Exalted with Ravenholdt - Well. Non-rogues will have a hard time with this one. And my main is not a rogue! I'll have to start playing my rogue alt, and clean out his bags, and pickpocket stuff, and then mail the lockboxes (unpicked) to my main, and then (oh, there's no mailbox near the quest NPC) have a fun time going to and from the mailbox. At least I can use my engineering portable mailbox for most of the turnins.
Exalted with Darkmoon Faire - Oh, so I need to farm tons of herbs, too, to make darkmoon decks on my inscription alt.

Note: This combination of reputation levels has to be at the exact same time - so I need to first get my Bloodsail rep to Honored, and then grind up my Steamwheedle Cartel rep without ruining my Bloodsail rep. At least I can get a pirate hat out of the deal if I do it that way. The alternative is to grind up Goblin to max exalted, then kill a bunch of goblins to raise Bloodsail, then grind Goblin back up, but then I don't get a pirate hat. Or the Bloodsail Admiral title.

It has been about 5 days since I have decided to take on this project, and ladies and gentlemen, the goblins hate me. And I hate the goblin guards. See, to prevent exploits, they have this knockback gun attack, they ignore feign death, they ignore shadowmeld...

Oh, and I've also discovered that I'm going to have to run Dire Maul repeatedly to get my goblin rep up without ruining my Bloodsail rep without it taking forever.

In order for me to keep my own sanity, I'm going to do this on and off, so it'll be a long-term project I do between other shorter-term projects.

Note: If I ever - EVER do this again, I'm going to do it on a completely new character that skipped leveling using quests in goblin cities, because the Bloodsail grind becomes incredibly easy - and makes the grind back for Goblin rep that much easier (since I'm now sitting at almost max hated with Booty Bay, and just barely with the rest)
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