Sep 18, 2007 13:02
Knight00019: I wouldn't be surprised if a Korean invented Halo teabagging
VoxPVoxD: invented what now
Knight00019: Teabagging in Halo
VoxPVoxD: I don't even want to figure out how that's supposed to work
VoxPVoxD: do they just crouch over corpses?
Knight00019: ... you know what that is
Knight00019: yes
Knight00019: up/down rapidly over a corpse
VoxPVoxD: that is the dumbest thing
Knight00019: It is
ScareChan: Teabagging
Knight00019: But look at the people who play Halo
Knight00019: It's the best insult they could come up with
Knight00019: I mean, shit
Knight00019: They couldn't even make fun of Scare
Knight00019: Right, Scare?
ScareChan: They tried their damndest
ScareChan: But they got frustrated and killed me with a sniper
ScareChan: The last thing I remember before blacking out was a bunch of crotches in my face
ScareChan: But that happens a lot before I black out
Knight00019: Even Scare makes fun of Scare
Knight00019: That's how bad it is