More Miles!

May 11, 2010 05:16

This is the best passage I've come across in a long time. It's in Ch 11 of Cetaganda. I don't know the page number, since I'm reading it as an ebook that's only divided by chapter....
The participants in the conversation are Miles, the protagonist, and Ivan, his cousin. Miles is the one speaking first. (The ellipsis is because this is just the last, relevant, bit of what Miles was saying.)

Here it is:

"...Bring that nerve disruptor. But don't pull it out unless I tell you to."

"I am not shooting your commanding officer for you."

"You're not shooting anybody. And anyway, Vorreedi's not my commander." That could be an important legal point, later. "I may want it for evidence. But not unless the subject comes up. We volunteer nothing."

"Never volunteer, yes, that's the ticket! You're catching on at last, coz!"

"Shut up. Get up." Miles threw Ivan's undress uniform jacket across his prostrate form. "This is important! But you have to stay absolutely cool. I may be completely off-base, and panicking prematurely."

"I don't think so. I think you're panicking post-maturely. In fact, if you were panicking any later it would be practically posthumously. I've been panicking for days."
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