THIRTY-TWO (for omnipotence)

Sep 17, 2007 17:19

My world is very big, and it has people in it. But mostly things that aren't, really, people. Like, for example, me. But the point has run off, where was I going?

Yes. I implore you to visit Wales, Toronto, Tel Aviv, New York, Kyoto, Beijing, Athens, Tokyo, Athens, Thebes, Rome, Rome, Athens and Rome, in backwards order of relevance.

Likewise, the first on the list has the worst food, and it gets better with each city down towards Rome, et cetera, et cetera.

Keep this in mind if you should ever visit world. Because it is indeed mine, I apparently own it.

All of you are rediculous.

[ooc Strikes would be mumbled if this were a voice post, but it isn't, so they're not :D? Mood reads 'annoyed' >>;]

say hello to my ego, rome, thebes, my cal senses are tingling, wales, toronto, my world, tokyo, ho ho ho!, beijing, new york, i weep for the future, citizen day, kyoto, all of you = dumb, curse, tel aviv, athens

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