Mar 12, 2008 22:26

Ah, that was interesting; when's it happening again? I want to be properly prepared this time, with a tape recorder.

Have I yet felt the need to pontificate on the many joys of being a man? Yes? Than I'll save you all the trouble of experiencing my beneficent opinions. Yes, yes, I know, you don't want to miss out on the joy of my words, but I can't always cater to the whims of the masses, now, can I? I do need some time to think on myself, however rare.

[Private to Niko | | Unhackable]

Niko, I believe there's something you should be aware of, if you aren't already. And if you are, why didn't you tell me, hmm?

[/Private to Niko | | Unhackable]

[ooc Because getting him to filter things doesn't mean he's not just going to tell someone D:]

say hello to my ego, privateness, niko, i wonder why people try to kill me, monogamous sex is rotting your brain, or what? you'll hug me?, now you see why i'm so smug, what women want, rob fellows: car salesman, freud wore women's panties, niiik~~, post-curse, heroism can be so banal, robin goodfellow: male, rose, seeex, meant to be sexually suggestive

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