Jul 21, 2017 18:33

Title: All I Want
Pairing: Pathfinder Sara Ryder/Reyes Vidal
Wordcount: 2,655
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Smut. And bubbles.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content.

Reyes gave what he'd typed a quick once-over before sending the message off to Sara on the Tempest. He sat back in his seat, a hand unconsciously raking through his hair. Nothing to do now but wait.

He didn't make such requests very often, and as he expected, it was only a matter of hours before he got the notification of an incoming vidcon call.

Sara looked breathless but happy as her holographic image appeared before him in his rarely used office. The walls were lined with monitoring gadgetry and the space was packed with all the computer equipment required to organize and process the overwhelming amount of data the Collective handled each day.

He stood in the necessary position to achieve the very best enhancement of his own likeness to send her in return, letting her see his ready smile at the sight of her. She'd been away for too long. "I was just thinking about you," he said in greeting, an old line, but she laughed at it nonetheless.

"Likewise," she said, eyes bright with affection. "What's up?"

"You should come see me when you get the chance. I have a present for you."

"Is that right?" She looked momentarily thoughtful before she began rubbing her hands together with evil intent. "I think I'll savor the anticipation and be there when I feel like it."

He sighed with exaggerated disappointment. "Suit yourself." Despite her bravado, he knew she was ridiculously impatient. "I suppose it'll keep for a little while..."

"We're chasing something down for the salarians, but it's already sent us to multiple planets in various systems all over the cluster. We might be able to put off the search for a few days and make a trip to Kadara to resupply."

He felt a slow smile spread over his face. "Then I'll see you soon, Pathfinder."


Her image vanished. He was confident that his inducement would bring her his way as quickly as she and her team were able to manage.

Three days later, he was notified that the Tempest had entered Kadara's orbit. Sara reached out to him over comms shortly thereafter. "We're here."

Reyes smiled. She really was impatient. "I'll come to you."

After making his way up to the docks, he calmly waited as the Pathfinder team disembarked. The crew looked weary but happy as they headed off in different directions.

Sara was the last to leave the ship. She practically ran to him, her walk was so brisk, and she took his hand as he reached her.

"Hi, there," he said, drinking in her appearance.

She searched his face, bouncing up on her toes before settling back on her heels. "Where is it?"

A grin split his face at her enthusiasm. "Where is what?"

Her hand tightened around his, giving him a squeeze. "Reyes."

"I'll take you to it. It's something you want very much." He watched as her eyes flashed with excitement. "How long can you be gone before your crew starts to grow restless?"

"Oh, we're here for the night. Things have gotten pretty intense lately, so we're all equally in need of a little down time."

He felt satisfaction spread warmly through his chest at her words. "Good. Come on."

They headed in the direction of the markets. It was still early afternoon so the majority of the stalls were open for business, the merchants calling to them in greeting as they passed. The atmosphere of the entire Port had much improved with the change in Kadara's leadership, and most of the locals were aware that the Pathfinder had played a part in their improved fortunes. The smell of cooking food filled the air, and there was a cheerful bustle as residents from every race in Andromeda went about their business.

The couple made their way along the metal walkways that led to the upper levels until they reached the heights above the main marketplace. From there, they went down a thoroughfare to a row of decent looking dwellings. They stopped at the door to one of the nicer buildings and Reyes entered the keycode to admit them inside.

The interior was neat and homey, decorated in traditional angaran style. "Whose house is this?"

"It's Keema's. Or it was, anyway. She's moved into Sloane's old room at the very apex of the base, which is as over the top and extravagant as you can imagine. She's given us permission to spend some time here, while it's not in use. We have absolute privacy."

The pair moved through the house until they reached a sizable bedroom. Showing her to a door on the opposite side, Reyes opened it, revealing a large room dominated by an oversized copper bathtub. In one corner there was a small cupboard with a pile of fluffy white towels and various soaps sitting on top, and unlit candles were strategically placed all around.

Sara practically squealed. "A bubble bath?! OhmyGod!"

She rushed forward, immediately twisting the valves on the faucet to begin filling the tub with warm water and the air up with steam.

"I seriously didn't even think bathtubs existed in Heleus," she said, already starting to strip off.

It was a good thing the angara knew about baths, then. Although they used less water than showers, due to space limitations, bathtubs were a luxury the Initiative hadn't brought along from the Milky Way. Moving into the room, Reyes shut the door behind him and leaned against it, his arms crossing over his chest. "So, you like it?"

She kicked her boots off, before turning to face him.

"Are you kidding me? I love it!"

He was delighted that she was so happy with his surprise. He headed for the selection of soaps he'd procured. "I got these from the same suppliers Vetra uses. There's a little bit of everything."

She pulled her shirt over her head before she stopped disrobing to move over to where he stood. She chose a peach scented liquid, and moving back to the tub, she poured it directly into the stream, creating copious amounts of foamy bubbles.

He watched as she removed the last of her clothing, without finesse or the cognizance of anything beyond her own desire to be within the water. Her bra straps slid down her elbows and off her hands as they moved to the closure of her pants. She pulled her panties and trousers off as one, bunching them around her ankles before she stepped free of them, completely unselfconscious in her eagerness.

She dipped the toes of one foot gingerly in to check the bath's temperature before quickly stepping inside. She sank down into the water, sliding back until it reached her chin. She gave an exaggerated moan, eyes falling shut as her head rested back against the tub's edge.

Reyes moved back to the door, leaving the room as she settled. He retrieved a box of matches before pouring two glasses of whiskey and returning with all of it. He shifted to his knees by the side of the tub. "I've got you something to drink if you want it." He kept his voice low and soft.

She smiled, remaining just as she was.

Placing her glass on the floor, he downed his, feeling the wonderful burn as it spread through his belly. The tub had filled so he gained his feet and turned off the flow of water. Pulling off his gloves, he lit all the candles around the room as she relaxed, selecting a wash cloth from the pile of towels before returning to her side. He knelt beside the tub, allowing his fingers to test the water.

She must have felt the weight of his regard, because after only a few seconds her eyes slowly opened and she looked up at him. "I don't think anyone's ever given me something this wonderful."

"You deserve it," he said, wanting her to see the pleasure he felt at her gratitude. He offered her the whiskey once more, taking the empty glass after she drained it. "Can I wash your back?"

She sat up, and the skin of her shoulders and upper chest emerged from the bubbles. Moving forward, she presented her sleek back to him.

Dipping the cloth into the water, he wrung it out before carefully sweeping it down her spine. He rolled it up over both the softly curving halves of her back, moving to brush over her narrow shoulders and down her upper arms.

She sighed under his hands and he felt the warmth spread from her wet flesh to his. He let the cloth fall from his grip and started running his fingers over her skin, watching his hand slide over her slippery flesh. He groped under the waterline, feeling for and finding a pebbled nipple. She gasped as he gave her a pinch.

"Finish your bath," he said softly, sitting back on his haunches.

She spent a few minutes with the washcloth, sinking below the surface to wet her hair, spreading the bubbles all over her hot body. When her skin was rosy and clean she turned to smile at him. He felt all the tension drain from his body under her gaze.

A handful of hot water hit him squarely in the chest.

His dismay caused his reflexes to fail, and he just sat there as she splashed him again.

"You look like you could use a bath, too," she said with a chuckle.

He felt water drip from his nose onto his face, and moving closer, he slid his hands over the wet ropes of her hair. Applying pressure to the top of her head, he pushed her under, just a quick dunk to show her who was boss.

Sputtering up, she braced both of her hands on the rim of the tub and used it to help her stand, suds trailing down her naked body as she stepped from the bath and moved purposefully toward him.

He waited for her to reach him, curious to see what form her vengeance would take.

She wrapped her arms around him in a bearhug, covering him in soapy water from chest to shins.

Laughing, he hugged her back, his mouth moving to capture hers. She smelled wonderfully of peaches as he slid his lips over her, coaxing her mouth open so he could dip inside. She met his kiss with fire, her tongue sliding against his. Continuing their kiss he pulled her along with him as he walked over and, boots and all, stepped into the tub before sitting down in it, submerging them both in the warm sudsy water.

She straddled his body, pulling at his wet clothing, helping him free himself of his jacket, and then his shirt. She ran her hands over his chest, tracing his muscles through his water-covered skin, feeling the strength of his abdominals and his hard belly. They pulled off his boots and pants together, and made short work of his boxer briefs.

He ran his hands down over her ass, cupping her within his hold and rubbing her against his rising excitement, loving the slippery glide of her wet skin against his.

He lifted her up so he could reach her taut nipples with his mouth, sucking and biting at the tight peaks while she gasped and strained against him.

She grasped his cock in her fist, her grip wonderfully strong as she explored him, tracing the width and length of him with small fingers.

He pulled her closer to him, his open mouth moving down her throat, dragging his tongue over her fragrant skin. He allowed her the freedom to touch him as she chose, enjoying the burn as she teased him with her hands.

He felt the hot slide of her slit against the head of his cock as she guided him against her.

Characteristically eager, she notched him at her entrance, pushing down on him in a quick move, before he had a chance to take a breath.

He groaned at the tight clasp of her body as she sank down upon him, working her hips to take him inside inch by slow inch. Her back arched as she pushed past her body's resistance, moving down until she took him to the root. They moaned as she clenched around him, sending ripples of pleasure through his entire body.

Her hips started to grind down into him as she moved on him in short choppy movements, rolling her hips as she worked herself up and down his shaft.

His hands slid over her skin under the water, gripping her ass as he pushed his hips up to meet hers. He let her set the pace, riding the edge of control as she inundated all of his senses with pleasure.

He felt his cock bump against the deepest, sweetest parts inside her, and the flutter of her silken passage around him. Clenching his teeth, he rolled her beneath him, moving to his knees so he could take her with deep hard lunges. He gripped the lip of the tub, holding on with one hand to gain leverage as he gripped her ass tightly with the other, pulling her up into his movements as he pounded into her. Water sloshed over the edge of the tub in time with their motions, and as much as he knew they were making a mess, he couldn't bring himself to stop or care.

She was pliant and warm and soft beneath him, her breath coming out in sweet little cries as he pushed them both toward the ultimate goal, a place that didn't exist without her, where he knew the answers to every single question he had while she wasn't with him, the knowledge and being born of genuine cohesion, that true love didn't prove or define what they were to each other, that nothing mattered beyond existing in the same moment together, two lines intersecting at the perfect point. He pushed her hips up with the hand on her rump, roughly colliding with her, tilting his pelvis in the direction of her clit, gaining speed with each thrust until he felt her break apart, her body milking him with the strength of her contractions. Grunting, he held deep, shooting everything he'd been holding back deep inside her, flooding them both with all he had to offer.

He held onto her as they slowly recovered and he felt her brush soft kisses over his lips and cheeks. He rested his forehead against hers, holding onto their closeness for a few moments more.

"This really is the best present ever," she said breathlessly.

"I'm glad you think so." He wanted to fill every day with little things that made her happy.

Slipping gently from her body, he stood, reaching down to pull her up against him.

He rubbed both Sara and himself down with the towels he'd brought before using them to mop up the water they'd spilled on the floor. They dressed, and while Reyes found it a lot harder to get his clothing back on than it had been to get off, the overall condition of them was wet, but still wearable. They left their towels in a neat pile, and after he made sure all the candles were extinguished, he took her hand and led the way to the front door. "Spend the night with me?"

She pulled their linked hands up to her face, rubbing his knuckles against her cheek. "Mmm, try to stop me."

He smiled as he leaned down to brush his lips against hers. She was everything, and he'd take every moment that he could.

fandom: mass effect andromeda, fic, smut!fic

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