(no subject)

Jul 30, 2003 01:18

You're pathetic. Yes, you there. You, the member of the general public. Highly unlikely any of you fuckers will read this, but I'm gonna say it anyway.

You make me sick. Pathetic, snivelling, selfish little bastards; you don't care about anybody but yourself. You'd happily watch an old lady get mugged in the street, wouldn't you. You'd look the other way while someone beats her round the head and takes her handbag, leaving her slumped in a corner, to die of a heart attack! For what, five quid in loose change and a fucking dirty hanky. All for your easy life. Too fucking scared to speak out, to confront someone that would most likely leg it if you glared at them too hard. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SCARED OF?! Scared of society? That you'll become a criminal for defending someone that needed it? Just what the hell is going on, you shouldn't be scared of that you spineless fuckwits! GET SOME BACKBONE! Cowards, the lot of you! If you know it's right, DO IT. That's the only way you can ever help change this mess that society has turned into.

When someone can nearly get raped in a park in broad daylight, you know you're there. You would have seen, but you'd walk off in another direction, to keep out of the way. Forgotten a minute later. You lucky fuckers. Some people are going to remember that for a whole lot longer, I guarantee it. Okay, so it's not your fault someone's a *complete* scumbag, but please, show some of that backbone for crap's sake!

When someone gets burgled in the morning, you were probably there, looking through your net curtains thinking "too much effort, nah, don't wanna get involved", and you ignore it.

One of these days it'll happen to *YOU* and then where will you be, wondering "where is everyone, surely someone can see, can help?". But they won't help. Too happy with their easy life, too scared that you'll be treated like a criminal for doing what's right.

If you ever want to call yourselves civilised society, you need to buck your fucking ideas up pretty damn quick.
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