Well, on thanksgiving break, tis quite fun, I guess. Going to be spending most of it packing if all goes well, we've got so much shit that it's probably going to take longer than any of us expect. Hopefully we'll have the majority of it done by next week.
Did a treehouse show friday at soldier's, went pretty well. The play was called The Baltimore Waltz, it was good... hard to follow, but good. It was apparently their last show there at the theater, except for if they help when the class does the show, and I'm hoping they do help. Went and saw Walk The Line with Nathan and Erin sunday night, it was excellent, as was Joaquin Phoenix's performance. It's a shame that it took so long to do a movie about such an incredible artist, yet talentless morons like 50 cent and Eminem already have shittastic movies made about themselves. And so far I haven't heard of anyone getting shot at a showing of Walk The Line... it's hard to believe that police officers are having to be stationed at fucking movie theaters to prevent people from shooting each other, it's unfortunate that the people that see his crappy movie have better aim than all those that have shot him in the past.
Communism is
Currently listening to Mesmerize and Hypnotize together as one album; which, I guess, is how it's supposed to be listened to. Both are excellent albums, and shows that a group can actually explore and expand their sound without completely changing it to earn more money... *cough*. Songs such as Soldier Side and Lonely Day show that System is far more than just the incomprehensible yelling that people portray them as.
Well, anyway.