Yes, yes. I've not updated much recently. >.>; I've been putting it off because I've been BUSY/LAZY. XDDD I'll start in order.
So, to summarize my favorite update: I HAVE A NEW KITTEN!! His name is Baby Blue and he's a blue-mitted ragdoll kitten. Want to see what he looks like? Even a video to see what he sounds like?! Want to check out my other IMPORTANT updates!? Then you'll need to see the rest of this post!!
You'll need to click on the link below to see more information! :D
Update Number One: About a week or so ago, I joined a new scanlation group. It's called
Operation Boredom. ^____^ I pitched in and bought them their domain name (click on the above link to go to the site). I'm also letting going to be making their website and hosting it on my web hosting space for free! :3 Aren't I just nice like that? LOL. I' ll get over myself now.
Anyway, just so you know, I'll be updating from now on and telling everyone who reads my journal whenever we release a new project- just so you know. The only thing is, I'll only be doing this for the projects that interest me (unless someone requests for me to do this for another specific project that we happen to be doing. XD
I really like it there. It's great! I'm the editor- that means I get the scans (of the manga), straighten the page, clean the page (make the black ink black (and not dark grey) and the white background whit (not light grey), then I take out all of the Japanese symbols- well, minus a few sound effects; they are the artist's style. Next, I would typeset (get the translations and put in the English text) and make sure the pages are the right sizes. :D It doesn't sound like much but it's a very tedious process.
They've even taught me how to use IRC! :D I can now join them on their IRC Channel with little to no problems. THANK YOU! :D
Update Number Two: Time for some bad-ish / good-ish (?) news pertaining to my mum. Again. x.x Well, at some point and time, the drug dealer (she's an addict) she was living with forced her to accompany him to the hospital for some bad skin problem or something. I guess a few days passed and he became fed up with her. The nurses heard screaming and rushing in to find him beating her on the head with his shoe. =/ They had security pull him away from her and they helped her get to another nearby hospital. There, she put herself in the mental ward for a few days. I'm not sure how he managed it, but, the dealer managed to worm his way inside. Luckily for my mum, she freaked out when she saw him and the security dragged him away again.
In the mental ward, they gave her this drug (I don't recall what it's called- it's the other drug like Methadone but it starts with an S (?) ) and it made it so she would no longer feel the addicting cravings. They're VERY expensive though- $5 for one pill. That's about $300 a month! Somewhere along these lines, they also sent her to a woman's shelter for battered woman. I hope she is alright there- but, I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves and returns to that dealer, again, because she wants the drugs so bad. x.x
Update Number Three: Yesterday, we got ourselves a new kitty! His name is Baby Blue and he's a blue-mitted ragdoll kitten (purebred and EXPENSIVE- $600! But, this is the perfect type of cat. When you pick them up, they go as limp as a ragdoll- which is how they got the name! They love to be touched, held, played with, they rarely jump up onto things, they have blue eyes and the color of their fur takes four years before it's fully matured!). He's very tiny and very young- just a baby. He's so adorable though! >w< *beams* Because he's so young, though, we found it necessary to keep him in my room for a few weeks so he'll get older. After all, I have two very adult cats just outside the door that want to meet our new member of the family. One, McDuff, is quite happy and curious about it. Boo, well... not so much. She hates McDuff as it is. She'd scare poor Baby Blue for life if he met her before he was ready too.
Anyway, he's VERY timid and he's taken to hiding under my bed most of the time. I've sat on the floor (which, mind you, is so uncomfortable that at one point I managed to slip and pull a muscle somewhere in my leg) for the past 48 hours. I did this so I could try to coax him out and over to me whenever he was feeling courageous enough to come out from under the bed. ^___^ It took a LONG while, but I DID finally managed it! Sometimes, I would think I had managed to gain some of his trust because he would let me pet him quite a bit- then I leg which twitch and he'd tear off under the bed and not come out for at least a half hour. XD
On the second day, I even took a few video snap shots that I'm going to put together and upload onto YouTube before placing the video on here for you guys to coo over (because he's so adorable). Here you are:
Click to view
Update Number Four: I'm sort of worried about my work on my fanfic and my work with the scanlation group now that Baby Blue is around- he's a LOT of work. ^____^ He walks (and hides) crying a lot and I've been pretty much focusing mostly on him for a good while now. D: I hope my work doesn't go down because of it. TT.TT
WAAAH! How adorable! Baby Blue is by my door and McDuff is on the other side. >w< They're communicating with each other and touching each other's paws. >w< It's so CUTE!! :D
One last thing: HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!! :D (The fireworks are scaring my kitten Baby Blue! D: The poor dear!)