Yes! You heard that right! I'm going to
Supernatural's Chicon (Chicago Convention) in October 2010! :D
The day Misha tweeted me? That was also the same day that
imisspadfoot21 convinced me to buy the tickets. Gold tickets which are really freaking expensive! DX Like, for serious. Those tickets + Misha Photo Op + plane tickets = $750 ?! That's a lot of money. D': ...but it's totally worth it! :D
Chicon is going to be my first convention since Ohayo-con (anime convention) that I went to with Jessey over 5 years ago.
OMG, I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!! :D Misha Collins is going to be there and I'm going to meet him (albeit, just for a few minutes, tops). I'll get an autograph and I'll get a professional photo taken with him. >W< YAY! :D I'll also get to meet a few other SPN stars that are really cool. OMG, IT'S GOING TO BE EPIC. I can finally stop seething with jealousy whenever I hear someone else is going to meet them (lol, I totally do... always puts me in a bad mood). Yes, I am a hypocrite, but it's not like I can help it. D': (So please don't hate me for going!)
Oh yeah, and the main point of writing out this LJ entry! Is anyone else going to Chicon? I would totally love to meet a couple of you from fandom and say hello and catch up! :D That would be freaking epic. And fun-- and half the other reason I'm going to the con.
I'm going to be staying with
imisspadfoot21 in her hotel room with a couple other of her friends. I'll be coming in on the 7th and I'm staying until the 11th. I've got it all worked out at work and everything. <333 I'm coming in on a plane - a plane! my first one! - and I have every intention of having a lot of fun! Yippee!