Jobs, Secret Santa, & Twitter

Nov 21, 2009 21:16

[JOB:] So, yeah, guess what? I finally got a job! The bad news? It's the only one I didn't want and would never apply for (my Grandma did it for me). Can you guess? Why yes, I would be working in a hospital. Yes, I am sick of hospitals since my month-long visit in that specific hospital a few months ago where I almost died. Yes, I would be happy to never step foot in one again. Oh, and yes, I did end up having the same position in a nursing home a few years earlier where I up and quit because I'd make friends with the sick/old people and they would die. Yes, I wasn't able to handle that. So, I assumed God hates me or this is karma for something bad I've done. =/

[SECRET SANTA:] Because of the above (job), I'm going to have to rush to finish my Dean/Castiel Secret Santa fic as soon as I can possibly manage it. I don't know when I'll be working (they said the times will be changing constantly and I'd come in anywhere from 6AM to 3PM. Yes, that is a bitch and will suck. With all this work, I don't know how much time I'll have to devote to my fic... so if the ending is rushed, I apologize and will rewrite it later (if time provides). =/

I made a goal to write 2k a day until it's done... I was able to fulfill it yesterday because no one was here to distract me. However, I can't say the same for the weekends! DX I don't even know. This fic may end up being three or four times longer then I intended.

[TWITTER:] I know I don't really update my LJ nearly as often as I used to. DX I also currently have this bad habit of putting off LJ comments to respond to (seriously, I have a list of them on my Delicious under a tag marked as "NEED_TO_COMMENT" or something like that. I have about 10 opened up on my firefox browser I've been meaning to get to... and I pretty much do the same with emails, lately. I'm sorry, I know, I fail. I haven't even gotten around to checking out everyone's recent journal entries. DX SORRY. D: I WILL GET TO IT EVENTUALLY.

Anyway, in the meantime, the easiest way to get a hold of me is via my Twitter (which is also the easiest way to see what I'm currently up to) and through instant messages (check my profile for my messenger information). Sorry about that, but that's the way it currently is. D:

random: twitter, life: job, livejournal: fic exchange

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