[EXCUSES:] OMG, I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN TEN DAYS. WTF, SELF. ARE YOU REALLY THAT LAZY?! ...yes. Yes, you are. ;__; I don't know what my problem is. XD I think I've just gotten distracted a lot recently (thank you, chat! DX you distract me so much). And... okay, yeah, I have been mostly procrastinating too. o__o Not cool. DX
[GRAPHICS:] I actually have been doing things, though!! :D Go me! For the last two days I've been working on a layout for
ncis_salmon (no, the layout isn't finished/available for viewing yet) for my good friend
spilled_notes! By the way, she's really friggen awesome. <3 You should love her, just like you should love
wendy_bird (who I haven't seen much of recently D:).
Anyway, the layout is turning out pretty damn well, if I do say so myself. It's rather complicated and originally there were over 10 backgrounds to choose from. ^^;;; That's why it's taking so long. xD
[SECRET SANTA:] Relatively good news!! I've gotten my prompt (it had been hiding in my spam box, the bastard! D<). I read it, spent a day worrying about it and wondering what kind of a plot to come up with... xD AND THEN, OUT OF NOWHERE, I CAME UP WITH ONE RANDOMLY WHEN I WAS IN THE DEAN/CASTIEL CHAT!! Thank you, Chat. <3
The plot is mostly worked through by now, but it's not finished. I'm having a little problem with the beginning (namely how to start it and who starts the whole thing). Obviously, I can't go into detail about it-- that would be breaking the rules! :D I'm going to try and get the plot worked out completely today and start writing it. I'm so worried that my giftee won't like it! DX It's my first fic challenge.
[TWITTER:] Now, most of you know I only got a Twitter so I can more easily read
Misha Collin's Twitter and respond to him. :D In fact, for the the last 5 months the most I'd ever twitted in a month was 2-5 times. The awesome people of chat have changed that this month. I cannot believe how much I have twitted recently (62 times this month! WTF!)!! xDDD So, yeah, apparently I'm quite active on their right now. o__o It's amazing.