[LAPTOP:] I finally got my laptop back (today!). It was driving me absolutely crazy not to have it. xD! Understandably, since I'm a hermit!geek and my laptop is my life. <3 I missed it so very, very much. It's so beautiful. <3 They replaced to whole keyboard (ZOMG, THE KEYS ARE ALL SMOOTH AND PRETTY AND SHINY!) and fixed the backlight (apparently, that's what it was that made my screen flicker out).
*strokes and caresses Onyx the laptop before glancing up and flicking her eyes around guiltily* Heh.
[JOB STUFF:] Uh, remember what I said about Primerica? Well, screw that BS. Apparently it was a scam. ;__; I feel so used and dirty (not really, although I am feeling mighty hungry right now!). On the plus side, I had a job interview for K-Mart today. Unfortunately, I showed up at the appointed time and place... and apparently the person who conducts the interviews is on vacation. Isn't that nice? =/ They didn't even bother to call the people up and tell them not to come in. =/ *sighs* This job BS is beginning to depress me. D:
[DELICIOUS RECS:] Hey, remember how I keep posting links of my Delicious for people to go to when they're desperate for good fic recs? :D Yeah, well, I'm aware that they're really confusing (easily). So, I'm redoing it. Not only am I redoing it, I'm putting the new ones under my livejournal name:
TehOpheliac. xD This way any of you can easily find the recs to my favorite fics without stumbling across thousands of unread fics that I haven't gotten around to reading yet. o__o Hopefully this will make it easier? D:
Now, for an actual rec (Harry Potter one!):
Getting Familiar, by
Gingertart - Snape has watched over Potter for so long that nothing from poisonous snakes and assassins to amorous doppelgangers can stop him. Eventually he's going to figure out why. [Snarry, 15k, scorpion!Snape, post-war, EWE.]
[HIATUS:] Yay! The hiatus is officially over. *glee* The only downside is that I fell out of habit of updating my livejournal. D: I don't know, I'm so damn lazy. All the time Sometimes. XP That's why my updates basically virtually disappeared (I'm forcing myself to write this). DX I'm sorry. I'm very... fickle, I think. I need to get back into the habit of it. I also need to get around to reading and beta-ing more of Redemption for
wolflikeme1 . SORRY!