[EAR HELL:] My Grandma made a good point about my ears yesterday. If it's infected, then maybe it's because the earring they pierced with doesn't give me enough space to clean around / get oxygen. So, I tried to put in a new
half hoop earrings that I always use. That didn't go so well. DX By the time I got that damned piercing earring out (it was not easy!), it was bleeding a little, throbbing and swollen (also, my NAILS hurt from pulling so hard). =/
Then I had a hard time with getting the hoopy earring all the way through- it was like it was automatically trying to close up inside and the end of the earring was dull. That was painful. Then it took me over 10 minutes to get the damned pointed end screwed on right! D: Ugh. Did I mention it was around 4 AM and I hadn't slept yet? <-- That's an important factor.
Anyway, I woke up today and it's a lot less swollen and it looks like it's maybe doing a maybe doing a little better (compared to the bleeding hugely swollen thing it was a few hours earlier). It's around then I realize the girl who pierced my left ear did it higher then the original hole she was supposed to re-pierce. So, I took it out and I'm going to let it heal up before I just use the earring they pierced me with to redo the original hole. =/ I put the hoopy earring in my right one, too. So, I only have three piercings in my ears right now. I'm really frustrated with it and it's weird looking. D:
[RANDOM:] Yesterday, I went to drop off a job application at another call center downtown (for customer service, again- they rejected me due to lack of experience at AT&T). They wanted me to wait to turn it in at the job fair that's coming up. *sighs* What a pointless trip? D: Then my Grandma and I visited the art museum. It was pretty nifty for the first five minutes before it became boring. So very boring. I didn't like most of the art there- I didn't even consider most of it art. >.>;
So, we went home and I made her watch the awesome
Target Women: Super Special via youtube. She liked it a lot (which is sort of shocking and yet not). That was really awesome. If you haven't seen
Target Women before, then you most definitely should. It's about this comedian, named Sarah, making fun of the media's portrayal of the "perfect woman."
Today, I drove to my doctors appointment. That was mostly uneventful (I got to read some awesome Superman/Batman slash while I waited!), but I got refills on my prescriptions. o__o I'm hungry and bored and lonely. x.x;; I wasn't even online yesterday because I didn't feel like mucking around all day. So, I read a book. A book starring gay characters. <3