Feb 12, 2009 00:11
[50% FRIEND'S LOCKED:] Yep, you read the title right. Starting today, my LJ is 50% friends locked. I already went back through all of my entries and locked all of the ones I found to be too personal or dark for others to read without first being my "friend" on here. Not that anybody is really going to care anyway. I don't really have that many friends on here (and now that I'm not writing fanfiction - at the moment - rarely will someone who is not my friend look at my page).
[RECENT FANDOM OBSESSION:] Stargate Atlantis! Again! xD I've been absolutely obsessed with the show for the last month. I can't seem to get enough of it- particularly McShep fanfiction (I've read over 200 fanfiction- most of which are between 20,000 words and 100,000 words- that's pretty big). I love McDex, McBeck and Rodney / Zelenka as well. Or anything starring Rodney. xD Rodney is awesome- he's my favorite character (the only character out there I love more then him, is Snape).
Recently, I've been obsessively reading fics starring his allergies or hypoglycemia... I don't know, I like it when it gets out of control and the main cast *finally* realizes that Rodney's medical conditions are not a joke. That's something that's always ticked me off about the show (that and how they keep mentioning his weight- HE'S NOT FAT. GEEZ. He just need a little exercise because he's a bit flabby and, personally, I *like* it. I think it's cute).
fandom: stargate atlantis