14th Fairy Tale § Voice

Sep 25, 2011 03:23

[Jilly woke up in a cave.

At least, that’s her first impression. Opening her eyes, she blinks several times at the gray, cavernous walls in confusion before she realizes that they aren’t going away. And she’s equally confused when she goes to stand and finds herself on somewhat spongy ground.]

Len? Buffy?

[she calls out, but there’s only silence in response. Was she alone?

Tentative, she follows the weaving walls, making her way towards the distant hint of light. But when she places her hand against the side of her cave, something goes very, very wrong because the whole thing collapses on her, plunging her into sudden darkness. Sudden, complete….soft….darkness.

The walls were soft.

There’s flailing and wriggling and all the nuisance that comes from being tangled up in something, until she finally manages to stumble into the light…and realize where she is.
Over head, her pillow looms large, the corner high enough up off the bed that she has to reach up on tiptoes to touch it. The gap between her bed and her nightstand, only a few inches usually, seems to have turned into a canyon overnight. And her journal?...It’s right where she left it. Down, down, down on the floor, the covers shut.

There’s the distinct thought of “not fair,” as she stares down at it, head spinning a little at the incredible height. But there’s nothing to be done. If this is what she thinks it is, she’s not going to stay stranded on her bed hoping someone will find her.

It’s maybe half an hour later when her voice pipes up over the journals, a bit smaller than usual (though still recognizable) and more than a little breathless.]

If anyone is around House 7…I might need some help. Nothing urgent. It’s just…

It’s a little hard to explain, but…I think breakfast is going to be a little tricky, today.

[That done, she’ll sit on the page and wait for someone to respond. And, once she’s been rescued, she’ll be doing what she can to get around town. It’s a bit dangerous for anyone the size of a thumb to be doing…but it’s an adventure…and she’s not about to miss out on that just because of a few risks.]

light on her feet, you have got to be kidding me, ♦Jack Sparrow, ♦Irvine, ♦James Norrington, nose in a book, who needs to be grown up?, !luceti, better than mallynaps, !event, ♦Buffy, ♦Giles, fairy tales are cool, wings don’t make up for this

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