Sep 06, 2012 08:44
Holy dear mother ffff.
Finally finished.
This radioplay.
Like what. Wat.
From it's conception as a forum game in February 2011, to the initial script of the radioplay in February 2012... From the playing of it as a forum game in August 2011 to the playing of it as a radioplay in Au--- September. Well. Close enough. This radioplay was cast back in April of 2012. It was then abandoned. Then revisted in July 2012 where there were recasts and rewrites and frustrations. But about a month and a half of blood, sweat and tears it's done.
Now to reap the rewards. I don't think anyone reads this. Or cares. But I think that's really the point of Livejournal. Glorifying the art of talking to and about oneself. At the same time.
Maybe I'll post it here later. Not that anyone will listen to it.