My Fun Weekend Has Come To An End =(

Feb 27, 2006 10:33

Le sigh! This weekend was uber fun! TO THE MAX! Paula's party was delightful with the tea and the sushi. Yummy! Can't forget the pedophiles! But we're all of age...finally! Oh that Hunter, he is too delightful for his own good. The wait at Sushi Thai was kind of long, but I thought it was totally worth it. And Adam mentioned it was Paula's birthday so they banged a gong and we sang happy birthday and they brought her ice cream. She had trouble blowing out the one candle on top of her cake XD it was too funny.

Lana's birthday party was too cute. There were babies everywhere! So cute. Like when Charlie got into his mom wallet, dropped his chicken stick in there and took out all the one dollar bills and walked away with them XD ahaha. Awesome. Lana was really cranky but when we sang her happy birthday she started dancing. So anytime she would start to cry we just sang her happy birthday XD It was uber cute.

Yesterday mommy took us to the mall and I got my eyebrows waxed and some new makeup. w00t!

I'm looking forward to the upcoming spring break. Just gotta plow my way through this week. w00t. Now I must study for my nihongo no kuizu.

mom, sushi, birthday, lana, paula, hunter, mall

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