
Feb 01, 2006 00:52

Yeah, that totally means 'I hear that John is really a woman' XD w00t.

Life is going alright for me. This weekend was good. Monte's birthday party was a lot of fun. Lots of food, DDR and going to Cody's. I kareoked for the first time! Go me! Cold necks are gay now.

Saturday was fun also. Hunter's gig was fun as always and Helio's coffee was delicious as always. Laughs were had. I wish he played more often, I always have fun going to his gigs.

Found out I got an 88 on my first speech and a B on my first Japanese test, w00t! Tomorrow I have my first test in my Intro to Persuasion test. I have no idea what to expect from that >< We'll find out, I suppose.

Today after class Monte and I went to Sakura Express and I bought 10 dollars worth of Pocky then we came back to my house and showed him random funny clips from Gilmore Girls and eating said Pocky. Huzzah!

I forgot what I was going to say.

I have to pee. The end.

P.S. - 135 days until Disney World!

EDIT: OMG it's 2:30 and I'm like completely wired (I will be dead in the morning)@.@ I've cleaned a lot of my bedroom (Finally!) Hopefully this productiveness will continue tomorrow or at least this week...I'm so proud of me.

sakura express, disney world, public speaking, japanese, hunter, monte, party, cody's, karaoke, gilmore girls, pocky

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