I've Done this Meme a Million Times...

Mar 08, 2008 03:53

But I will do it again!

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

1. I used to be a neat freak and then I got a part time job and never wanted to clean ever again. Period.

2. I almost always leave for work when I'm supposed to be arriving for work. It's what the cool kids do. I did it at Eckerd and I do it at the Hallmark Warehouse.

3. When I get online I first change my status on Aim, then check my email, then Live Journal, then Facebook, then Myspace and then my RSS feeds. Rinse, and repeat.

4. Every night, at midnight, I first play that days Lucky Letters, then do my daily Picross and then do my daily Brain Age.

5. I can't sleep at night if my sheets and blankets are messy. It's not as bad as it used to be, when I had a full size bed I used to have to make my bed before going to bed at night, now that I have a twin as long as the sheet is tucked in at the bottom and blanket is in the right direction, I'm good to go.

6. I sleep practically sitting up with four pillows. Sometimes, in my sleep, I bend my left knee up and cross my right leg over it, kind of like a number 4.

7. If I decide I'm too tired before bed to brush my teeth or go to the bathroom I lie there for about 5 minutes before I get out of bed to do these things, it never fails.

I am not going to tag anyone, because anyone who is willing to do this has already done so.


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