Last Batch!

Aug 21, 2006 01:55

The night we got in we went swimming in Sonja's grandparent's pool. This is Alan doing a thing.

Alan and I keeping it real, floatin' style.

Alan hunts his next victim. It was probably Beckett.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Yeah, I still have no idea.

This one looks a little more unkosher than the rest.

Jenna, the pool noodle bunny!

I'm pretty sure Alan is dead.

Convention Line. I'm guessing this is the line for those who didn't pre-reg.

A line for as far as the eye could see.

Let's play a game. Where's the Ninja?

Better picture of the Ninja.

I love this picture! XD

Melissa, sadly, got MSG'd or something =(

Me enjoying a dark corner of the convention. I think those people behind me are actually dead.

It's that crazy black guy I mentioned earlier!

Even Organization 13 needs water!

Jenna takes a roll as Alan watches.

Another photo of Alan being the grudge.

And again...

More spatula fighting! I'm pretty sure this is going to be a new olympic sport.

It looks a little like Alan is picking his nose with the spatula.

Spatulas everywhere!

This picture cracks me up. It looks like Alan's only friend is the spatula.

My hair looks crazy awesome in this picture!

Melissa and Beckett being real serious like.

All is well with spatula fighting.

Oh God why?! Alan suffers a spatula injury.

Melissa continues to be MSG'd =(

This is my WTF, Mate? face.

After Alan's injury we moved on to Bottle soccer.

You never saw this ninja playing soccer ¬¬

Alan does big arms. We can't all do big arms.

Something must've been good over to the left.

It looks like they are jigging.

Superman and Neo have a chat.

Melissa steps on Jenna.

Something tells me that Yukari but that bow in that guy's hair. His George cosplay could use some work.

Jenna Died =(

Alan ponders the Bottle.

I ponder the map. I hate this picture! Yey!

I don't know...

I wonder if I looked all wobbly through that bottle.

Alan and I.

Alan prepares for a hearty breadstick.

Good boy!


After a guy saw us taking the last picture he went and got Scott and we got to meet the creator of VG Cats. It was exciting! And this is us happy with our autographs and doodles, and Alan trying to hide. But Jenna got him in the picture anyway.

Alan is a neon monster. OH NOES!

And so is Jenna!

Glow Stick flower.

Glow stick people dancing!

Glow stick guy with a giant glow stick martini.

And when we left the convention we put all glow sticks up for grab. If you can't read that, the glow sticks read 'Take Us' and after we made it five feet down the hall about half of the glow sticks were already gone.

That's all! It was a great trip and I cannae wait until next year's!

pictures, otakon

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