Extreme Times Call for Extreme Driving

Nov 10, 2007 20:29

 Gas hit $3.00/gallon. Filling up the tank the other day cost me $42.69. I have to fill it up twice a week. Maybe this wouldn't be a big deal if I had a Real Job. As it is, I'm existing on the remaining books from the Edmondson estate, CafePress, commissions, and my savings. The books net me around $100/month, CafePress $100 every six months, commissions *crickets chirping*, and the savings is long gone. $100 a month does not equal $100 a week in gas.

So now I have taken to hypermiling. If you haven't heard of this, lucky you. >_<  This is something my mom and I saw on the news when gas prices started going up. I really don't know how effective this is. Yet. Basic concept  is doing everything in your power to maximize your fuel economy. Aside from the obvious things like car maintenance, you have to be really alert when you're doing this. The guy on the news didn't seem to care about the honking, obscene gestures, and obvious road rage he was causing, but I live in the Wild West. A girl has to be careful.

So far I'm going to try ridge-riding, which is riding the right white line when the road is wet to avoid the ruts in the road that have water in them and create drag. I'm also turning my car off when I can for a minute or more. Let me explain. I've read to turn it off when you will be idling for 10 seconds, but I've also heard that turning your car on uses a minute's worth of idling gas. It's going to be really hard, but I'm going to stop using drive-thru restaurants. But the fun part of this is, throwin' that baby into neutral and turnin' the engine off when you've got a good coasting distance. Yeah, you turn the car off WHILE driving. Mostly I do this when I go over a hill and see that I will have a good stretch before I have to put my foot back on the gas. This is where you have to be alert. I won't do it if there's someone right behind me. You also have to realize that with the engine off, I am losing power steering and power brakes. You have to also be careful not to accidentally go one gear too far and throw it in reverse. I suspect that could be really bad. ^_^;; Driving slow was never so exciting!

I think I will figure out my typical gas mileage this next week and then hypermile the following week and see if I get any benefits. If anyone knows any other hypermiling tactics, please let me know. I am not going to try the one where you tailgate an 18-wheeler to reduce drag nor am I going to take any "death turns". I want to save gas, not risk my life. >_<

I love having the windows open in November.

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