(no subject)

Feb 23, 2004 01:04

Didn't want to get detailed but I have nothing else better to do (other than homework, sleeping, eating, chores).

Actually it probably won't be too detailed.

Hmm when did I last post...anyway who cares. Friday night after work I didn't do much, just sat around the house and chilled, and rollerbladed some. Saturday morning I had to get up early since I worked at 9am. Work was really good, I've changed my attitude and outlook lately and I notice the changes at work especially. The managers treat me with more respect, and I don't get as much shit from customers (not like I got thaaaaat much). I thought I got off at 4, so I was like "wuwu high five bro I'm off in a few" to customers just a few minutes before 4. And then they didn't lock me off and I just had this "wtf :-/" look in my eyes. I actually had to work until 4:30. I went home and was supposed to hang out with Jeremy, but he was gonna go to Wes's along with Bren and stuff, and I wasn't in the mood to drive there and then back later before camping. So I just chilled at home and rollerbladed outside some. I left at like 10 for Albertson's to meet up with the others that were going camping. I called Brandon but he decided to get rest and not be cold. I called Gaby and she said she didn't feel like going because she would be the only girl. (She called me at 2am and said why I never called her back, she wanted to go). I called Daniel, he didn't want to go. I asked if he could get a hold of Chase for me and call me back, but he never did. Josh was supposed to meet us there, but he never did. Jose was the only other one willing to go. So that fell through, but Daniel told us of this party. He drove to Albertson's and we followed him back to the party, which was actually really close to both Bren and Dragan's house. The party was actually at the house of Danielle Condie, some chic we graduated with. Her brother is James, the guy that went camping with us last time. Whoa. The party was really big, but it was like all kids from Saguaro. Me and Jose saw this one chic that buys liquor from us a lot, and she walked past us and giggled and told us she was actually 16. When we were inside the house, Danielle's room was locked and she was trying to get in and some guy was trying to push the door open too, but the people in it were holding it locked for a little and she was screaming for them to get out of the room. What was going on in there? Gangbang lol. The keg was empty and there was only hard liquor there and I didn't feel like sleeping in my truck. Jose wanted to do a beer run for the kids because they were out but I convinced him not to because there were probably 80-100 kids there, we would have to get a fuckton of beer to "feed" everyone, it would be damn expensive, and I can guarantee almost no one would pay him back. He was thinking of getting an 18 pack for them but I told him that would be useless, 18 beers for 100 kids? So I called Patrice because I had seen a party thing in her away message, but she said it was over but that she was at Wes's so we decided to head over there. We got there but Jose said he felt uncomfortable because everyone there was white and he was Mexican and we were all smart college kids and he was just a dumb Mexican and that everyone was my friend and he didn't know anyone. So I drove him back to his car and headed home.

Today was good too. Sat around for a little after I got up, did a few chores and played Battlefield a little for the first time in forever. Left for Bren's house at like 3, we were gonna go to the piercing store because I want to buy another tongue ring or two. Got there and watched TV with Bren and his mom for a bit, then Jeremy came over and we headed up to Paradise Valley. We stopped in at the Best Buy and Jeremy bought a Cat 5 cable from the superior store. Then we went to PV Mall but everything was closing up/closed. So we just walked around. I asked this one girl to dance with me and we did for a little, was pretty fun. Even though we both sucked. On our way out some dude asked us if we wanted a free cell phone. There had to be a catch so I didn't take it. He asked if I was over 18 I told him I was 17. He thought Jeremy was the oldest or something because he had facial her heh. Jeremy pointed out that they were trying to out argue us and seem smarter than us even though they failed, and we were just acting like asses. Then we went to the theater to see Eurotrip. We stopped in at Pure Fitness to go pee. Bren goes to the gym to pee but not to work out lol. Bren you should skate over or something or just go sometimes at night with me :-/ The movie was really funny. Not gonna say anything tho incase anyone wants to see it.

Tomorrow my package arrives in the mail woot!!
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