Jan 11, 2008 01:34
Well, apartment is 98% dry. My bedroom is back in order after the retards left the futon (piled high with like everything of mine on it) and my bed in the middle of the room. Dead center of the room. They couldn't be arsed to put it back. >:|
My little brother came over and helped me move my bedroom furniture around so now I have a nifty new set up that doesn't have me sleeping by the window where it is REALLY cold. In some ways the new set up makes my room look smaller, in others it makes it look bigger and more open. Other plus is that now, if I want to watch anime (or anything on the computer) full screen, I can lounge on my bed and do it. *__*
Still need to rebuild my DVD shelf in the living room and get it reloaded with all my DVDs, but it can wait until Saturday. I am physically exhausted and don't want to do any more work tonight.