Gonna head out in a bit to catch Thank You for Smoking with
lokojo7. Should be a lot of fun. Should also take my mind off of the lottery, which doesn't get drawn for another hour and a half. I really need to stop daydreaming about things I could do with the money if I won the jackpot. Like build a commune for me and any of my friends that want a place to live. Lovely idea, and oh so tempting. Its fun to daydream, its just not very productive. Especially considering I'll likely only win $2 or $3 assuming I win anything at all. Coming up with ideas kept me up most of the night last night, as well. My imagination has always been like that, though. Probably the main reason I don't really gamble very often, especially with things where I have to wait.
On another note, I have a couple pictures up on
Threadless. One of me wearing A Room With a View and one of me wearing Nerd Berd. I need to get pictures done in my other shirts, but one is in the wash and the other, I just didn't feel like wearing today.