Creepy Dude

Feb 10, 2006 18:54

I was taking lokojo7 home after hanging out at my place and at the stop sign on the corner of my street, there's this guy in a blue shirt and black jacket pacing back and forth. The drive to and from Liz's house is about a half hour, maybe a little more because of traffic. So, when I return home the guy is no longer on the corner which, I'm thinking is a good thing because its winter and cold out and just why would you be standing around outside?

Well, he wasn't at the street corner because he was standing at the edge of my driveway. Just standing there and kicking at a pile of snow. I stared at him as I pulled into my driveway because WTF?!?!?! I get out of my truck and start heading to the house when I see him finally walking away from our place, at this slow putzy walk. I'm very creeped out at this point. I take a step forward and these two birds that were pecking at our driveway chirp and scatter away because I stepped too close. Scared the bejeezus out of me.

I go inside and tell Liz via im and we both agree he's creepy. Then I go tell my stepmom and she asks "blue shirt? black jacket?" I reply, "Mmmmmyup." Her response? "He was standing at the street corner on a cell phone when I was driving home from work. She got home about 10-20 minutes before Liz and I left. WTF?!?!?!?!?!

omgwtfbbq, life

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