Exorcising my demons

Dec 21, 2009 22:38

Aka 'my way of dealing with shit is to formulate theories with Shinn while waiting for things to develop.
(10:31:09 PM) tehkushie: man...
(10:31:20 PM) tehkushie: now that it failed to be kept on the downlow
(10:31:29 PM) tehkushie: how are promotions gonna go x___x
(10:31:57 PM) tehkushie: it would be hella weird to be all happy when you know there's something going on x__x
(10:32:01 PM) ShiunTouya: yea
(10:32:02 PM) ShiunTouya: h
(10:32:06 PM) ShiunTouya: ...but now that you mention it
(10:32:14 PM) ShiunTouya: that must be why he tried to keep it in the dl, right?
(10:32:18 PM) tehkushie: yes
(10:32:22 PM) ShiunTouya: which means he didn0't want to affect them
(10:32:28 PM) tehkushie: i dont think he's that much of an asshole
(10:32:39 PM) tehkushie: to wave it in front of people
(10:32:52 PM) tehkushie: (but lol now sm has MUCH more pressure)
(10:33:02 PM) tehkushie: that might get them to resolve this in like a week
(10:33:04 PM) tehkushie: _D__
(10:33:24 PM) tehkushie: if not that's promotions money down the drain
(10:33:47 PM) ShiunTouya: lol yeah :x this is also the worst month to lose money
(10:33:51 PM) ShiunTouya: I think geng knows well what he's doing
(10:33:53 PM) tehkushie: ikrrrr
(10:34:17 PM) tehkushie: /waits for his explanation
(10:34:25 PM) tehkushie: -__________- this is driving me crazy
(10:34:49 PM) tehkushie: if that's the case too someone must've spilled the beans at just the right time >_>
(10:34:56 PM) tehkushie: /krn informants im lookign at u
(10:38:53 PM) ShiunTouya: yeah >_>
(10:41:18 PM) tehkushie: han mama dint raise no foo
(10:41:19 PM) tehkushie: :(

(10:43:51 PM) ShiunTouya: well the part of why hide it is the one that's harder to make sense of
(10:44:19 PM) tehkushie: and then once approved he'll say 'oh and one more little thing could you please sign this for siwon, hen, hae, zhoumi, wook and kyu? thank you! here have a lollipop'
(10:48:47 PM) ShiunTouya: .......XD

(10:49:25 PM) tehkushie: and then wiggle his cute ass out of court like in legally blonde
(10:49:38 PM) tehkushie: this is the version of how it's goign to turn out in my head
(10:49:39 PM) tehkushie: :(
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