Dec 25, 2011 18:13
1. Air - After blasting off so many times, I’m sure it feels that way to the poor TRio. :P
2. Apples - C’mon, we all know Jessie would totally do this. xD
3. Beginning - This is my not-so-astounding perception of them in Training Daze. Jessie is pretty over-confident with her “no one is good enough for me” attitude and James is just cold (particularly in the “the more time we waste chit-chatting, the more we’ll fall behind” scene). But, as we know, things change pretty quickly, haha.
4. Bugs - Again, something I can imagine being in the anime for its sheer stupidity. xP
5. Coffee - Poor, clueless Meowth. If they didn’t tell Meowth about each other straight away then something like this would probably happen.
8. Doors - This one seemed a bit too long and waffly, but oh well.
9. Drink - Why James would be drunk without Jess I don’t know, but whatever. She loves it really. ;)
13. Fall - This prompt came up in chapter three so I thought I’d do a fluffier, more humorous one this time, reminiscent of a certain scene in Training Daze. ;)
14. Fire - Again, this one is reminiscent of Cold in chapter three, but a fluffier version.
16. Flying - This one might not technically follow canon since I can’t remember if Jessie has ever flown first class before (the blimp hardly counts!) or if they even flew back to Kanto since I don’t know if it was shown at the end of DP (I haven’t seen it yet) but I can imagine the Boss sparing them no expense on their return from Sinnoh to get ready for Unova.
19. Grave - I like to think that Jessie knows about her mother, even if it will more than likely never be brought up in the anime.
23. Honour - Pretty much runs alongside chapter two’s Sordid. What can I say? I like the theme.
25. Light - This, of course, is when James realises that he loves Jessie for the first time. I can imagine it hitting him completely out of nowhere, haha.
27. Metal - Jessie would always try to make out whatever she did for her partner was no big deal, no matter what it was. That’s just how she is.
42. Strange - I can imagine this being after Jessie and James’ first night together. Both would probably be a little shy around each other because it’s such a huge step forward in their relationship…I imagine this one taking place before Coffee.