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May 19, 2009 12:33

Hidey-hope, good neighbors! Been a while, yes, but I'm back to report that life is back to normality once again! The semester has come and gone, and a great relief has taken me over. :)

Nashville is getting ever so closer to reality...I'm starting to freak out now just a bit. o_O. It'll be alright, though...I'm a big boy. :)

So, Shaun, Matt, Brian, and Hurdle have gotten me absorbed once again in to Final Fantasy XI -- I'm "Racht" on the Gilgamesh server. Fun times, too. The game has gotten a LOT easier starting out now...and has become all that much more accessible. I love it, and this game is probably going to be my main connection for staying in touch with these guys once I move to Nashville. Hopefully I'll have time once the move comes.

Chels and I are absolutely fantastic. The crew loves her, as does the gang in Tuckerman, too! What's not to like?! :P

Anyhoo, there's your update for the day. Later d00ds! Racht out!

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