So the second day of classes has come and gone, and I can officially go on record and say that Dr. Zeng is one crazy professor. She has apparently nominated Shaun, another girl in class, and myself to update this other professor's website without even asking us if we would like to do it! Never mind the fact that I have absolutely ZILCH time to do su h a thing, but I also am not going to do anything that doesn't even pertain to my class! Gah. >_<
The pic above comes from the other night when Chels was over hanging out with me. I thought it made for a cool image -- what with the glow of light laying itself over her face.
I really REALLY want to play Chrono Trigger on the DS. I have never owned the game, and I am dying to go out and buy it...but I just don't have the extra monies at the moment.
Anyhoo, I think my Advanced Internet Communications class is going to drive me crazy this semester...Dr. Zeng is one very stubborn-headed lady. Gah again! Later d00ds!
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