The above pics are updates as to what my apartment looks like at the moment. Sam bought me that dining room table you see in the second pic for our two-year anniversary, and it definitely makes things feel a bit more lived in now. She says I need a rug for the living room... we'll see how that goes. :P That was very incredibly sweet of her to go that far in terms of gift giving... I just got her, her fav show on DVD, some clothes, and lots of Victoria's Secret undies and other such stuff. She seems to like it.. so all is well. :)
Video game season is heating up now. Been playing a lot of Mega Man 9 since that hit WiiWare this past Monday. Here's a brief review of the game -- f#$@ing hard with incredibly fun gameplay. I haven't been able to stop smiling while playing it. Reminds me of being a kid again and taking on Mega Man 3. I love it. Great stuff.