Barack Obama

Nov 06, 2008 21:17

I'm impressed, I was encouraged to listen to the Obama acceptance speach to the democracy party, his sale pitch is good, he had definitly picked his target audiance, the middle class, a return of national pride, I think the thing that interested me the most was his promise of service guarentees education.. sign on for a period of local or goverment service and they pay your education..I am currious to see how things go forward from here..
I was also impressed by the size of the audiance, It was rock concert levels.. hmmmm, almost makes me want to have an opinion with regards to politics.
I went on to listen to his acceptance speach for office..hes definitly a good speaker.

It frankly makes me worry at our goverment, we don't really care about what policies go through our goverment, I wonder if the voice of the people really is represented.. prehaps I just wish for a different style of goverment, hmmm, I guess I will think on it for a few days.
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