Feb 15, 2006 08:10
So...I think everybody deserted this lj, that would be totally fair by all means, but anyway, I'll still explain to you why I didn't updae in so long.
First things firsts: School has been really, really hard. I've been working like crazy for the past month and it's not looking like it want to stop. Between school projects, homework, exams, oral exams, and just classes...that was hell.
Next: As much as the first part of the VM hiatus has been very hard on me, it wasn't half as hard after a time, and since it came back on, have troubles getting totally back in the show. It's maybe because before, I never had to go through a hiatus, I don't know...anyway, my inspiration didn't come back, as for now. I'm sorry for the things I've been commited to, I swear I am, to Lex, to the Loveathons, to everything I forgot about and shouldn't. I'm really sorry.
3rd: New boyfriend. And new boyfriend so totally different of the last one I'm always having unexpected stuff happening to me, he's always on the move, surprising me all the time, and that takes me away from the comp fairly often.
4th: I've been playing WoW a lot when un-busy. It's been nice and I like it and I will go on with this until I'm bored with it, or at least until I leave, since I won't have Internet anymore.
So, yeah...I wanted to post some kind of real long winded post about how truly sorry I really am about this all, but, by all means...who will read it ?