In response to my last post...

Dec 11, 2009 15:11

I did a bit of thinking, and Birdie did some knocking of sense into me, and I found what the problem was that I was having. When you hear about some famous or well-known person having a blog, there is an incredible urge to run to it and see what that person has to say, knowing that you will find one of three things. These three things will appeal to a group of people, no matter what. The biggest concern with most people who want to start a blog revolves around one thing--exposure. Anyone can have a blog about anything, but the big categories that blogs fall into typically are:
  1. Controversy, such as politics or religion, and that always tend to bring about the Trolls that do nothing but say how much you're wrong and how they're right. High chance for exposure, but low on reward, unless you're into that sort of thing. I'm not that knowledgeable in either politics or religion, and any observations that I may have would spell disaster. Not what I want to do in my spare time.
  2. Information, such as how-to sites or news. There's too much out there already like that, so it doesn't make a difference if another one is created. A waste of my time and talent that could be spent being more productive.
  3. Personal. What LJ has been for me for a long time. Why would I need to go somewhere else when I have what I have right here? I've already tried Blogger and I looked at Wordpress. Honestly, I don't see the point, because I already have a blog, and it does what I want.
I'm not knocking anyone else's blogs at all, just so you know. I don't consider myself to be a smart man; I've had the pleasure of being around so many intelligent people in my life, which taught me the biggest lesson that I ever needed to learn: that I don't know everything. I am going to try to make some changes to this blog. I've tried to make my posts seem a bit more interesting as well, and I'm trying to make posts more frequent. Who know if it'll work or not.

Then again, wasn't that what I had said before about NaNoWriMo?

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