What have I gotten myself into now?

Oct 15, 2009 13:20

I never considered myself an able-enough writer to do this, but I guess after seeing all of those writing panels at D*C this year put the bug in my ear again. I truly understand now that my biggest problem in writing is not in the desire to write or having the ideas to write, but being able to turn off that inner editor and just write. It's what's kept me from finishing my short story, and what's caused me to rewrite my sci-fi novel three times. Well, not this time.

I signed up to participate in this year's NaNoWriMo.

Will I win? Who knows. I'm taking this as more of a learning experience than anything else. I'm looking around for a mentor on the forums so there's someone who can kick me in the balls and keep me writing. If nothing else, it'll be an interesting ride. It sure would be nice to have it finished, though.

That's another thing. The "finish line" isn't really a finished novel (although that would be nice), but a 50k word count. It also isn't supposed to be a "finished work," because December is dedicated to editing that novel. The key here is to write, and to write, and to write some more, and to keep writing, and to not stop until you're finished. I have a real problem with that, and I'm hoping to break that habit starting November 1st. Really, I have a big problem with following through in a story. For some odd reason I can't ever seem to just finish a project, and I need to stop that.

So, here's to me in attempting to make a real fool out of myself. I invite you all to watch.
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