The last couple of weeks of my life have been a blur of people visiting, traveling and reminders of why I like the City so much.
At the beginning of the month, I headed down to Raleigh ostensibly to celebrate
laurajones' birthday but mostly because I haven't ridden a rollercoaster in ages, and, well, I really wanted to.
Although there is no digital representation of me on the coaster in this photo album there are plenty of shots of a cute baby and how can you not love that?
When I arrived back on Tuesday, so did Robbie. He's one of my best friends and, since he lives in the shadow of the Mouse, I don't get to see him that often. Although he visited during the week, we still managed to get dumplings, go to a show (Spamalot) and ride the Staten Island Ferry in addition to going to Brooklyn to watch football. I think I have pictures somewhere but I can't find them.
Robbie left on a Saturday (after we stayed up all night going to Rocky Horror at the Waverly and got him on a shuttle back to the airport) and Monica and Jo came in Wednesday for MoJo's Summer Spectacular 2006. It's not often that me y my married friends make it anywhere without their kids but they managed to cram in five whole days sans chillin' and were rewarded with awful weather. Seriously, it rained all day Wednesday and Thursday and only slightly cleared up Friday before turning into a nice day Saturday and Sunday. One of the great things about Mo and Jo is that they're willing to try anything and although they did just about every tourist activity in the City, none were more interesting to observe
than Monica celebrating 'Talk Like a Pirate Day' at DQPB. This past weekend I headed back to Greensboro to spend the Rosh Hashanah holiday with my family whom I hadn't seen in a couple of months. There's very little in the world I enjoy as much as spending time with my parents and sister when all we actually do, mostly, is hang out, watch movies and cook. All I managed to do was
document the Saturday night cooking experience. It's important to note that my sister, the psycho rocker pictured here, apparently really likes meat. Really likes it.