Oct 30, 2007 18:50
(x-posted from DJ)
Okies, so I know I've disappeared for some time, which means theoretically I should have much to post about. Let's see...
I'm grumbly atm. Been stood up. Again. By the same girl who stood me up before, and unfortunately I'm no less infatuated with her still. At the same time, I think that perhaps it may mean that she isn't as interested in me as she intimates, so perhaps that means that I will naturally move on.
Still. ;_;
Work is awesome. And stupid. Awesome because there aren't many jobs where one can sit and read and cook for oneself on the slow days , all while staring at attractive women who are actually wanting to be stared at. Not that I /stare/ persay, but still. Some of them are actually interesting people too :)! Of course, some of them are also bints, but still. Work is stupid because my boss is a bitchface. And needs to die. If he bitches about a goddamn steak one more time I will stab him in the jaw. One more snide remark, bam! Of course, when he's not nitpicking my cooking, he's a hilarious dude, but still. Irritating. Also, he hires servers based on his desire to sleep with them. Bad, bad GM.
I think people are crushing on me who ought not. Worries me. They'll get hurt, and in not good ways. Rrrr. Why can't everyone just react the way I want them to? World would be a much better place. Nodnod.
Blarr. All of my "Single-when-we're-40-let's-get-married" pacts are taken, and it looks for good. Which is awesome for them, of course, and I'm happy for them. Still. Course, not sure what I'm really worried about there. Still got another 17 years for that to come into effect anyway. Well, we'll see. Just when you've been single/untouchable for longish period of time, is difficult to look in perspective. Rargh.
Anyway, I'm sure I will find more for a post in the next upcoming days, so stay tuned :D.