Jul 09, 2008 21:03
"Oot and Aboot" maybe, even.
Got a lot of research done today, and bit the bullet and put in a bunch of applications for civilian positions with the military.
I also did some research...seems the average pay rate for basic support positions is 45k/yr in Colorado. These numbers were published this year.
That's 9k/yr more than I make pulling 200 hours of overtime.
The average sys admin position (WITHOUT Linux support) pays 65k.
Clearly I need to get out of retail.
In other news, we're going to get a pump in the next couple of days to pull up the ditch water running through our property and redistribute it to water the yard. That will, hopefully, take care of the ridiculous water bills we're sure to get by keeping our grass green.
I am also researching clover and other ground-covering low-water-requiring plants to replace the grass. If anyone has any thoughts, let me know.
job hunt