Dec 13, 2006 11:49
Yeah. So, I just finished up my last final. It mostly went well (considering I was really upset last night and didn't study). So, school is over until the third week of January, and I will be taking almost entirely online courses next semester (to free myself up a day off so that I can actually spend time with people).
My car is still in the shop. I haven't heard back from them yet, so I will be calling (read: having Mom call) today. It's been there a week, as of about 7pm tonight.
My brother is apparently signing the papers and getting married in front of a JP either today or tomorrow. We had an ugly argument yesterday, in which he pointedly ignored all of my concerns. Maybe we should've had the conversation in person, instead of in text, but I think his fianceé is afraid of me now. Or at the very least, offended. Lovely. Not what I was going for, exactly.
Jamie got her Project(TM) gift for our anniversary (1.5 ;p) on Monday night, and she cried. Lots. I guess I did good. Thanks to those of you who contributed and offered tweaking advice.
I've got 60 hours of playtime on FFXII and I still feel like I am nowhere near the end. That could be because I have burned 20 hoursish with random side quests and leveling and the like. But still. And I haven't even gotten to Shadow Hearts yet. However, I also plan to read the stack of books that has been collecting dust since early spring. I miss my books. Also, I am giving up caffeine. I have decided that coffee is very bad for my sleeping cycle, and it's time to replace caffeine with a morning routine that is better for my muscle tone. If things turn out right and I have Sundays off next semester, I might be able to rejoin Castle Wall. I had a lot of fun with them, and I want to go back to doing something physical (and satisfying) like slashing things up with big swords.
Also, depending on whether I pass every class (and therefore keep my scholarship) or not, I'm working on plans for a couple of trips. Since I have 80 hours of PTO to burn. These trips will be cancelled if I get the job with Dad, or at least postponed. However, said job pays a lot more than I currently make. So.
Anyway. I am planning on making Christmas Cards from Jamie and me. Let me know if you want one (they will probably be late, as the pictures are not yet taken), and also let me know if you want more thorough updating than this.