Stupid OB...

Mar 05, 2009 10:08

Is it possible to sue a doctor's office for wrongly ruining your credit?

I had a precedure done after Zachary was born and we called WellCare right before we did it to make sure they covered it, and they did. Now I'm getting letters from the doctor's office saying I need to pay it because while WellCare paid for it, apparently they took their money back a couple months later for no good reason.
I called WellCare and they told me it was a mistake on their part and ALL the doctor's office needed to do was call them and they would fix it. It's been 3 months. The doctor's office hasn't called and every time I call them, they say they'll call and they don't. So I tried calling WellCare again and they said I can't do anything, only the doctor's office can.

Well, in a month the doctor's office will be sending the claim to collections, saying I owe them the money when I don't. I've even tried going into the doctor's office(45 minutes away) and asking them to call, etc... Nadda. I had this precedure done in Dec '07 and they started sending me bills in October '08.

So what do I do?
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