From the beginning, I was going to write more, but as time carried on, it became less, and less and *so much less* that I begin to wonder why I have this journal. Anyhow, I'm starting a fresh, turn the page and leaf, as something in the past just occurred to me and I'm not running anymore, as all the pieces fall into place i.e. *Game Over*
I'm wish I had friends I can talk to, I have a few, but everyone seems to have drifted away. I ask the same questions as my dear sister
zhalaya, who really is my goddamn friend, am I worthy as a friend to everyone I know. If I knew any better, I treated a lot of you the wrong way, or I've given my friendship too lightly. I hold my heart/friendship, on a platter, and it's stabbed and dripping with blood, squished to the ground? do I deserve this? goddamn hell no. Oh well, if you are a true friend, leave me a message on msn, email, or phone.
Sometimes I wished I was dead. Then I think, is it really worth it to take ones life and die, just because the "going gets tough?". I remember just one thing, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going, and it's something I live by day to day. Nothing is really so tough as to die from it.
Don't be too surprised if I say 'no' at some point, and don't take it the wrong way, I got thing I got to do, and maybe I already got myself committed to something else beforehand.
guess it ends here for tonight