Sep 03, 2005 09:19
Still heavily playing the WoWz. Still devoting my life to my Tauren Warrior. Still too sick and contagious (apparently) to leave the house. But with gas prices being what they are, why would I want to?!
New Orleans was wiped off the map because it was a treacherous hive of scum and villainy. +200 xp to anyone who catches that reference! And by xp I mean money. And by money I mean
God damn, do I ramble. Honestly, what is there to talk about? You have all seen the news. What else could I possibly add to the steady descent into hell that our nation is on? Floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, dwindling resources, wild packs of family dogs tearing up the homeless - sounds like the calling card of divine justice to me. Not that I'm a believer. But for those of you who are, take a good look at what your LORD is inflicting upon this great nation. IT AIN'T PRETTY. And it's going to keep getting worse. So you might as well commit suicide.
Repent now and receive a Remote Caddy™, the device designed for lazy fuckholes JUST LIKE YOU!
I actually feel like I want to floss right now. How responsible of me!