Jul 23, 2005 16:19
I've been trying to think lately of superpowers that have never been used before. Fire, ice, flight, invisibility, amazing mental prowess, super-strength - all so overdone. So far, I've been able to come up with two superheroes that are unique, as far as I know.
#1 - "Ignorance." Basically, his power is just that. Ignorance. He can do basically anything as long as he doesn't know it's impossible. For instance, he can fly until he learns that humans flying is a silly idea. But, as an added twist, maybe he's an extremely slow learner? Retarded, even? I don't know, I thought it was pretty original.
#2 - "Whipping Boy." Now this is an interesting one. He has two powers, really. The first is that he can anger anyone around him and deflect the wrath they feel towards others towards himself instead. Like, say his friend Ignorance is getting the shit kicked out of him by Antelope-xor. Whipping Boy could show up and Antelope-xor would be so enraged by the mere sight of him that he could no longer beat Ignorance's ass and would instead start beating Whipping Boy's ass. His second power is not completely original, but rather a good complement to the first power. He can take a near infinite amount of punishment before expiration. You could drop an anvil on this nigga's head and he'd be cool.
Another name for him might be "The Pariah."